Monday, December 28, 2009

Identity Theft

1.What is it?
Identity Theft
Most people are spending  a lot of surfing the internet at the airport.
Because they are bored or waitting for their flight.
It is the most efficient way to use those hours.
They use network of public hotspot.
They are sending e-mails, researching, buying , selling, closing  deals.
But using open, public Wi-Fi is one security risk at airports.

2.How does it work?
If somebody really wants to capture your traffic,
 they will pretend to be the public hotspot service provider.

And the
hacker can watch everything they do online.
If  you send some passwords and some other stuff,
 anything that you are doing in HTTP is pretty much visible to hackers.

3.Who's the crimical?

4.How do you protect yourself?
Never give somebody your personal password.

5.Who are the victims?
Business travelers.